Friday, July 31, 2009

"A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25 NIV

This verse popped into my email this morning as part of one of the numerous daily devotionals I receive. They are a great way to start my work day with the right perspective. I’ve been perplexed and pondering a lot lately. There are many things on my mental list. There is a lot that I could worry myself over, if I let it slip into that spiral…

However, God won’t let that happen. Seems like just at that moment where my feet are on the ledge of diving into a pit, someone, something or some wonderful reminder comes along and snaps me back into perspective. It’s pretty amazing when you stop and actually meditate on that for a while, instead of thinking about all those things we worry about!

Two things happened this week that have driven this point home for me that I thought were worthy of sharing. First, I have a friend who is one of the most devout Christians I know. If there is anyone I look to for example on earth, it is this friend. Through unbelievable trials and twists in the path, my pal has always managed to find a silver lining of blessing and keep a heavenly perspective. Every once in a while, I get little encouragements from my friend. This week, I got one and the exact moment I needed it (thank you Lord!). Among other things, it was a lovely reminder to take time every single day, slip away and relish in the awesome presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough to say for a message like that.

The second thing that happened was in conversation with a family member I had never met in person. She is my husband’s cousin and lives in another state. We all had the chance to visit this week when she made the trip to Colorado. Through the beauty of technology, we have become “friends” via Facebook. She very sweetly told me how this blog was an encouragement and a great testimony. Wow, that blew me away. Someone is actually reading this! I am humbled and grateful that God gives me these words. They are not mine, they are His to use as a blessing how He sees fit. I am just the vessel.

So, when this verse was staring me in the face, it was an easy connection to make. Whether it is with words, actions, resources or some other way, every day we all have an opportunity to be a blessing to others. Sometimes we don’t even know who or how we’re blessing someone – and that’s okay. God is knitting it all together as part of His plan, and we should look every day for ways to bless others so that He can work through us. That in itself is an unbelievable blessing!

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