Saturday, January 23, 2010

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain...

...for the old order of things has passed away." Revelation 21:4.

The unthinkable happened. It happens more often than we would like. In recent weeks, we’ve seen then unthinkable happen too, too often. The latest was an unimaginable accident that took the life of a small child in our church family. This one hit very hard and threatened to strike right into the core of my foundation. “Why, God?” What reason could there possibly be?

Last night, I wrestled with talking about this incident with my own children, knowing that they will likely be faced with the topic this weekend in services. As my daughter and I drove home, there was a discussion on the radio about profound loss, how we don’t have the answers and how those are the times when our faith has to stand strong because the enemy will use those times to try and chip away at us. It brought tears to my eyes. My daughter was listening, but probably didn’t completely understand, so she asked why I was crying. So, I told her about the family in our church and the grief they are faced with. In her amazingly beautiful “childlike faith” way she said, “well, Mommy, God must have a big job for him and needed him in Heaven now.” What perfect, faith-filled words! Yes, it is terribly sad, but we know in our heart of hearts that this world is not the end and whatever we are seeing now is not all there is to see.

Later, I was working through my reading plan which, of course, happened to be talking about suffering and grief. No matter how many times I encounter God’s timing and the right words at the right time, I will still marvel at it. With my daughter’s words still fresh in mind, I read passages from Isaiah, John, Romans, 2 Corinthians and then Revelation. These particular words brought immediate comfort and a sense of hope. Hope to find something to cling to in the midst of the most unspeakable tragedies. God is with us in those darkest moments and is holding us in His gentle care. But, even more comforting is knowing that as we walk in His truth, we are assured that there will be a day when our pain and suffering will end as we spend it forever worshipping the One who conquered all suffering, sin and death.

As I finished, the words to several songs began swimming around in my head, bringing even more peace. Music brings me so much joy and to sing songs based on Scripture, which is God’s truth, help to comfort in times when comfort seems unlikely. The words to “In My Arms” by Plumb just started “playing” in my mind. As I reached over and flipped on the radio, guess what was playing?

“clouds will rage and
storms will race in
but you will be safe
in my arms

rains will pour down
waves will crash around
but you will be safe
in my arms”

Thank you, Jesus.

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