Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“When I consider your heaven, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place...

... what is man that you are mindful of him?” Psalm 8:3-4

I was flying today and was fortunate to have a window seat. It is simply breathtaking to sit and look out at God’s creation. My view at 37,000 feet was of the incredible snow-covered mountain peaks of the Rocky Mountains. There really is nothing like it.

As I sat there taking it in, I was thinking about snowflakes and sand. Anyone who knows me knows that the beach is my favorite place to be. I have stood on the shore of many beaches and just stared out at the seemingly endless body of water in front of me. That view never gets old. I am always in awe of the vastness of the ocean.

Thinking about snowflakes and sand started me down a path. Every time I look at the mountains or the ocean, I am reminded of just how small I am and how big God is. These creations are massive by my standards, and yet they are only small pieces of God’s entire tapestry. And God took such great care to intricately weave infinite details into creation. I started thinking about all the snow I saw below. Billions and billions of snowflakes all piled on top of one another. And every one of those flakes was unique as it fell from the sky. That’s an incredible thought. The same is true with grains of sand. Billions and billions of individual grains layered to create white powdered beachfront. So much care and detail in such minute molecules.

All for His pleasure and our enjoyment while we are on earth. We have so much beauty around us every day and it’s so easy to look beyond it as we get caught up in our everyday activities. Which is why I love the view from 37,000 feet or standing on the edge of the ocean. It snaps me right out of whatever self-made frenzy I can work up, reminds me of how great He is and reassures me that no matter what, He is there and with me.

Creation is vast, intricate and woven together in patterns that amaze and cause me to marvel. And to think, He also created us and loves us more than any of those things. Small, seemingly insignificant, by comparison to the great mountains or oceans, but so very important to Him. I do wonder, who am I that you are mindful of me? And God whispers ever so gently, ‘you are mine.’ That is all I need to hear.

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