Monday, October 3, 2011

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” Colossians 4:2

“Thank you for your interest in _________ (fill-in-the-blank Company name). We are writing to inform you that you are no longer being considered for the position of __________ (fill-in-the-blank title). We wish you the best in your future career endeavors.”


Reading the words again, I closed my eyes and slowly let my breath out. There have been so many over these past 8 months I’ve honestly lost count.

However, this time, when I read them, my response was different. Instead of hearing those internal doubting voices and start to wonder aloud “what’s wrong with me,” I prayed. The exhale of breath calmed me and I prayed because although I am standing on the edge of great uncertainty, God isn’t. He knows exactly where I am and guess what? He’s standing here with me.

Sometimes that’s easy to forget.

Webster’s Dictionary defines devote like this: give entirely to a specific person, activity, or cause. I’m getting better at it. Devoting myself to prayer. Colossians 4:2 popped into my text messages the morning I received the latest “thanks but no thanks” email. It was fresh on my heart because truly, I long to be devoted to prayer. I want my mind alert and heart thankful. I want my prayer life to be worthwhile, not just those short prayers I’ve said before meals and when I’m too tired to think at night.

So, when I’ve been praying lately, I’m working more on being focused and purposeful – and thankful and still. All components of a prayer life that I strive for. God wants to meet us when we pray and I desperately want to meet Him there, also. Frankly, I need it so much more than He does.

And guess what happened?

That day, when I prayed instead of strayed, He answered. He calmed me in the moment and led me to the next step later.

That, my friends, is incredible. That tells me that He cares about me more than I can imagine. That tells me that no circumstance is worth the angst or stress I was allowing it to have in my heart.

Lord, I want to pray with a thankful, grateful heart and an alert, focused mind. Guide my thoughts and actions to be in line with Your will as we process life together. I’m not in this alone – help me to keep that in the front of my mind. When life is hard, lead me gently back to You. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  1. No, we are not in this alone. We look for the next step He gives to us and follow in obedience.

    Your words speak such truth to my heart!

    Big Hugs!!

  2. Yes, one step at a time! Easy to say, hard to remember sometimes, huh? Thanks for stopping by! Hugs!!
