Sunday, May 16, 2010

“We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

Have you ever wondered why you are where you are? Why you live where you live, with whom you live? Why you work where you work? Most of the time, probably many of us really don’t give it a lot of thought. For me, I jump on the why questions when things are tough. When there’s a foot of snow on the ground and I can’t get out of the driveway. When we are facing a struggle in our home. When a project at work, or situation with a co-worker, is uncomfortably difficult. It’s pretty easy to wonder if this is really where God wants me to be, if I let my thoughts wander or get rolling down a hill into a pit.

But, what if we flip that thought around and ask a different question of ourselves and God? What if, instead we asked, what is it in this situation/location/relationship that will have God can use me as his ambassador? That’s the challenge I’ve been parked on for a few days. It seems that there’s been a message threaded that I’m supposed to get. First, it was in the pages of the book our ladies group is finishing up. As I read the last few chapters, I felt a conviction to seek out the opportunities where they lie – and with whomever I am with. Then, there was a common theme in the worship music that I’ve randomly been hearing. Finally, today, our message at church was talking through “Risky Hope For Our Jobs.” Funny, I went into that one with a whole different idea of what the message was going to be. I was uncomfortably surprised when I found myself squirming a bit during the message. When the message hits that close to home, it can be a little unnerving.

I believe that God has us exactly where we are supposed to be, whether we believe it, like it or want it. I look around at some of the people closest to me and that is a hard pill to swallow. Circumstances are really hard – financial troubles, difficulties with children, work issues that won’t seem to improve, death and disease. It’s all really tough stuff and can put you dangerously close to slipping off that ledge into the pit. And if Christ isn’t the center of their lives, it is even more difficult. That is, I believe, why I am where I am and where you are where you are. As believers, we are called to shine a light – be a beacon that points the lost towards Jesus. It isn’t easy and there are lots of times when I fail, but then there are those moments when I see a flash of hope because of Christ that wasn’t there before. Or when a friend who is struggling with problems of life that are almost too much to bear asks something about God. Or when your child tells you that a difficult physical injury they have recovered from was because God sent his angels down to give her the strength she needed. Oh how my heart just leaps.

And, it’s in those moments that I am assured, through the grace of Jesus Christ, that I am in fact, exactly where I am supposed to be and my job is not finished so I must press on.

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