Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…

…in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3: 5-6.

In reflecting on 2009, I’m literally blown away at what an incredible year this has been. The twists and turns of life have carved out a path that I never would have predicted or likely chosen, but have been rich with blessing, growth and have pointed my gaze towards the Creator of all.

Who would think that a year filled with job loss, financial uncertainty, a cancer scare, work stress way beyond anything considered “normal” factored into the normal strains of everyday life would be a year that could be thought of as a Heavenly blessing. But, that’s exactly how I see it and am humbly grateful for the year our family has experienced.

God has been more than faithful to my family. For many years, but especially so in 2009. His love and faithfulness have literally transformed my life. I became a Christian several years ago, but the journey of 2009 has lit a fire within my heart that is burning like no other.

When I sit back and reflect on this past year, I can’t help but be amazed by the visible hand of God on every aspect. It started in late 2008, when the economy began falling apart. My husband was a casualty – his sales job was eliminated. Sure enough, God provided. Temporary work, unemployment, an unexpected bonus, a tax refund – one thing after another to shout loudly to us that HE was in control of it and WE were not to worry or be anxious about anything. Once I truly committed to praying before allowing myself to worry, the worry subsided and I felt a peace I’ve never felt before. And my husband recognized the opportunity to pursue the path that God had chosen for him all along. His gift has now become his life work. It’s growing abundantly and we will see fruits of success soon, I’m sure. God has moved mountains for this and we are overwhelmed.

Same thing with a potential health issue. HE laid it out that I would experience my first worship concert on the very day I found out I needed a biopsy. Instead of worrying and fretting, I heard exactly what I needed to hear that night and experienced a level of connection to Him that I had never felt before. I laid it on Him that night and didn’t look back. I had what I needed to get through whatever lay ahead.

For the past two-plus years, I have been involved with a project at work that has been nearly all-consuming. It has taken me away from family, friends, even other important projects at work. But under uncomfortable pressure to lead into uncharted territory, my team and I were able to focus, work very hard and offset the pressure to carry us to an unprecedented victory and hopefully, a bright future. It also opened me up to constant prayer. I wouldn’t make a move or decision without careful prayer now.

It’s pretty amazing how He works, isn’t it? Through all of this, He also spoke into my heart about writing and this blog has been my humble response to His prompting. Some wonderful friends have credited it as a gift. I say, it’s all God. It’s hard to explain, but when I sit down to write these entries, the words just come. It’s almost as if a floodgate is opened and my fingers just start flying along the keyboard. My eyes are just there to keep up and see what’s next.

As 2010 approaches, I have dubbed it as a year for growth and connections. God has generously introduced people into my life this year who have a purpose and a heart for Him. We share a passion to follow whatever path He leads us on. I pray to grow in the ability to communicate and to use that ability to help others connect in a relationship with God – because it is truly the most amazing relationship you can ever have.

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