Sunday, March 20, 2011

“Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the body of elders laid their hands on you.” 1 Timothy 4:14

As Christians, we are called to live like Christ. To let His light shine through us. Setting the example for others to see His grace in our lives. That is a big task and I know that I fail every day. But, sometimes…

You just never know the impact you may have on others. A kind word, simple act of service or even a word of encouragement might be just the thing that someone desperately needs to make their day, and maybe even their life, turn around.

This week alone, I received several emails regarding posts on this blog. That was coupled with a few face to face comments from people who were blessed by it. I was honored and surprised. Honestly, sometimes I have to wonder if the lessons He’s teaching me are just lessons for me as I grow in my faith. And then, He blows me away with a week like this one. I’m continuously humbled and amazed how God uses little everyday moments to shine into our lives. That He allows me to play a small role in His story amazes me more.

Do you ever stop and think about what your life is saying to others about Jesus? It is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. We are called to be different. Called to be at peace with others in a life that is full of strife. Called to seek out opportunities to serve others. Called to point others to Jesus and share His message of salvation for them.

Never think that what you are doing is too mundane or small to be used for His glory. Those small, seemingly random little moments in our every day can make all the difference to someone who may desperately need to feel the love of Christ. When He allows us to be part of His story, true blessings result, for all involved.

So, what is it that you are gifted with? Is it serving, encouragement, teaching, leading, mercy, or one of the other spiritual gifts? Then, friend, use it! There is nothing like knowing that God has gifted you with something that He can and will use to bring Him glory. It is an honor and privilege to be taken wholeheartedly.

I’d love to hear your stories.


  1. Amen! Bon Jovi's song, "You Give Love a Bad Name" often runs through my head when I think about what my life is saying about God. Do I give Love a bad name, or a name worthy of making others want to run hard and fast after It?

    God is growing me in my gifts of mercy in the past few years... it's an honor and incredible journey.

    Thanks for this encouragement!!

  2. Thank you for the encouragement, friend! Would love to discuss this over coffee.... in 122 days. {Not that I'm counting!}
