Monday, March 28, 2011

“Woe to you who are complacent in Zion, and to you who feel secure on Mount Samaria, notable men of the foremost nation, to whom the people of Israel come!” Amos 6:1

“Wreck me, Jesus.” Have you ever prayed that prayer? I can tell you, I haven’t. But, have you ever noticed how when the train wreck happens, God seems to be right there in the middle of it, working it to an outcome that you could or would never have predicted?

Really, none of us truly wants to be uncomfortable. It’s easy to get caught up in the complacency of everyday life. You have a good job, a happy marriage, the kids are doing well in school and play a sport or two. You have friends, perhaps volunteer a little. It’s comfortable. You can almost see yourself going through life on cruise control, not really veering off the track or getting your hands too terribly dirty.

When I get my head around this picture a little bit more, it really becomes apparent to me that this is one of the enemy’s big lies in life. He fools us into thinking that this is our preferred lifestyle, and that we actually have control over it. What a foolish way to live.

In the past several years, every time the rug is yanked out from my comfortable little life, God is doing something. Something big. Something only He can do. For us, the false sense of security tends to come in our employment. Both my husband and I have found ourselves suddenly unemployed in the past few years. What He’s teaching me in this time is that I believed the enemy. That I took a job and made it into more than it was ever supposed to be.

For my husband, that time became the time of soul searching and finding his purpose. More than two years after his job loss, he is passionately pursuing the dream that God put in his heart and moved mountains to piece together. He is living the life God intended for him.

For me, it was a false sense of purpose. I was too busy being someone I am not, giving Him my leftovers and not my best. What I am learning is that “wreck me, Jesus” should be my prayer often.

Because by wrecking me of the things and situations where He is not my sole focus, He is refining me to His greater purpose. I am sitting in the middle of perhaps some of the biggest turmoil in my life and I have complete peace. Because He’s been faithful every time I’ve trusted and I know He will be in this situation, too.

The most trying of circumstances are when God can do His greatest work in and through us. If we just let go and let God, incredible things happen. I’m in. Are you?

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