Wednesday, September 21, 2011

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought...

...Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17: 7-8

We trust Him, or we don’t. The words cut me to the core. Simple words, but so much truth in them. They require action. They demand it. There is no room to waiver here.

Life has been challenging for a while now. At first, my normally positive personality skipped into “this is meant to be” mode. Honestly, it is. But, just because things are meant to be, it doesn’t mean they will be easy, short-lived or comfortable.

As the months have rolled by, life has dramatically changed. It’s much quieter. There isn’t as much chaos walking out the door in the mornings because Mom isn’t trying to get to work. We aren’t spending nearly as much money, and those “extras” we used to think nothing about are becoming increasingly sparse.

God is working on us. He is working on me. That’s for sure. He is speaking through the words of Scripture, friends and circumstances.

When my friend wrote those six words in response to a cry out from me as yet another blow came our way, she was telling me like it is. Truthful words that I needed to hear. Words I needed to process for the last couple days. A reminder that I needed to seek first His will above my own.

The words from the prophet Jeremiah are testing my resolve. Life is testing me to see how strong my faith really is. God is standing there with me, watching and waiting for my response.

My hope and confidence ARE in the Lord. And though the season of drought is upon me, I will not falter as I continue to dig my roots deeper and more firmly into His riverbank.

I may not have a job. Our family may lose some of the comforts we have gotten used to. We may see life change even more dramatically than it has thus far. But one thing is sure. We will not lose faith in our God. Because in all the trials we have faced, He has been there with us, guiding us and giving comfort.

I pray for the strength to keep walking in faith. Because I know when I do, He will give it.

1 comment:

  1. This was encouraging, in a drought ourselves and it is always helpful to see others revelations in it. Praying for you and your family.
